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The Council of Motoring Clubs of WA (Inc.) and its predecessor the Combined Car Clubs of WA (Inc) grew out of the first “Classic Car Concours” held in 1969 where five Western Australian motoring clubs ran the event together. By 1973, 21 motoring clubs were involved and in 1976 it was decided that this loose association of clubs should become more formally organised.

By this time as many as 200 cars were displayed at the annual Concours event, organised each year by the motoring club which had won “Best Display” the previous year.

In 1977 it was decided that a Trial Calendar of events in which all motoring clubs could participate would be organised. Clearly it was a success, because in 1978 a calendar of nine events was arranged, including six competition driving events and three social events.

This unincorporated association of motoring clubs went from strength to strength and in 1984 a Constitution was designed, a Committee was elected and Incorporation was arranged to form the Combined Car Clubs of WA (Inc.) (‘CCC’).

In 1987 the CCC started a Sports Register to set a calendar of events to be run under CAMS permits, open to members of all CCC member clubs. This ran successfully for about 15 years.

In 1988 movement began towards the creation of a WA motor museum. The CCC was the moving force behind a tremendous amount of planning, negotiations and work. This culminated in an agreement in 1991 between the CCC and Whiteman Park, which resulted in the Motor Museum of WA being established. This impressive motor museum is now run by an independent Trust.

In 1995 at the instigation of the CCC, a category of Unique & Historic was created and added to the Code 404 concessional vehicle licensing scheme by the Department of Transport, with a specific process involving the CCC for determining applications received for concessional licensing as a unique or historic vehicle. The CCC, and subsequently the Council of Motoring Clubs of WA (Inc.), has worked with the Department over many years to develop, review and re-issue the Code 404 Information Handbook.

In 2002 the name of the organisation changed to the Council of Motoring Clubs of WA (Inc.) (‘CMC’) but effectively operates no differently.

In 2005 a Technical subcommittee was established by the CMC management committee to assist with technical questions associated with the Code 404 concessional vehicle licensing scheme and to liaise with the Department of Transport on concessional licensing policy.

The successful annual Classic Car Show remains an enduring testament to all the work that many individuals and CMC member clubs have undertaken over five decades, in most years through a Classic Car Show subcommittee. 

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